The First Post!

Well here is the first post, I think. We started this journey last fall when we were out for a ride on our motorcycles. We, being my husband and I, stopped at a coffee shop to warm up a  bit and have some lunch. The decision to travel when we retire had already been made, but how to travel? Downsize! We have chosen to down size our belongings, our house, and our finances. So last October the downsizing of our stuff began. Now at first this was not easy. You can become very emotionally attached to things like lint, old tooth brushes, etc.. Just kidding. We began in our closets. What did we use all of the time? Did  the item have a purposes now or in the future? Did we have multiples of the same item? Clothes were easier for us. Did they fit, were they wore out, and did I like it anymore. So from October to May we disposed of about 50% of our stuff. This included a young man coming with his small dump truck three times to hall away stuff! You may ask how big is your house? Just 2100 square feet. Yep not that large. So the down sizing has begun and we are on our way.


4 thoughts on “The First Post!

  1. HBoston July 25, 2016 / 10:55 pm

    So proud of you two. A real inspiration to a packrat like me. I will be following you on this blog.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Diane Neuhauser July 25, 2016 / 11:27 pm

    This is awesome Amy! Jeff and I are now contemplating what we will do in retirement…and we aren’t able to be SURE yet.. will we ever?! Scarey? Exciting?? Yes

    Liked by 1 person

    • thebigrideblog July 26, 2016 / 11:45 am

      thanks Diane. We are so filled with such emotion about this whole adventure. I thought it would be fun to share what and how we accomplish our goals.


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